who is charlie chortle?

My photo
452 pragtishana alley, vlertomia, Afghanistan
hi, my name's charlie chortle and this is my blog. it covers my trials and tribulations of gaining and losing employment. some call it freelancing but i call it downright insane. so get down with this here mo fo blog and get to it with me. y'all know w'sayin' dawg! and just for the record, although my mailing address is in afghanistan, i'm from czechoslovakia, where i was once a children's television star. i am currently more widely known for my scientific research on the sex life of pre-pubescent penguins and the ramifications it has on global warming. read on!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

charlie chortle stops in hawaii before his cruise to antarctica

aloha -  nothing like hawaiin tradewinds filtering  through natural grass fibers to give you that extra clean and spacious feeling.

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